1984-1986 (1st design) PEDAL, engine clutch 10036570 $25.25 (aluminium) 1986 (2nd design) PEDAL, engine clutch 14105682 $23.90 (steel)
In Mar '92 of Kit Car Magazine there was an article about how 84-86.5 Fieros had aluminum clutch pedals that were suseptable to flexing. This would apparently cause you to think the clutch was gone - in fact it was the pedal not "throwing" far enough. It mentions that this was a recall item and even states the part number you can purchase to do it yourself. It was quoted as being the "$18 clutch solution". It talked about checking the pedal first to see if it was alumninum (via a magnet) or the replacement steel one. If it was indeed alumninum it said to go ahaed and switch them.
From: Daryl Erwin
This was not a recall. It was a "design change", which means you will have to buy the parts yourself.
From: Scott Backer